Going to college doesn't have to break the bank. The following schools offer tuition-free education for some or all of their students. Tuition-free schools guarantee scholarships or grants to cover the cost of tuition for eligible students, after financial aid is applied. These programs enable more students to graduate debt-free so they can start their careers without worrying about how to pay back student loans. When researching tuition-free schools, be sure to read the fine print. Many only offer free tuition for students from certain states or income brackets. Know of a tuition-free college that's not on the list? Email editorial@collegeconfidential.com, or message @CCEditorJoy in the CC Community.
City College offers a free college education for California residents who have lived in San Francisco for at least one year. This program is ideal for students who want to earn an affordable two-year degree before transferring into one of California's more competitive four-year public schools.
The government covers tuition and all of the costs of attending the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, and students receive a salary while enrolled. Students must commit to serving in the Coast Guard for at least five years after graduating. According to the Academy, 85% end up serving much longer than the five years required.
Haskell Indian National University provides a tuition-free education for Native American Indians and Alaskan Natives from federally-recognized Tribes. There are some other costs and fees, but these are nominal. The total cost is estimated to be about $715 a year for on-campus students, and $240 a year for off-campus students.
The U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland offers full-tuition scholarships to all students, in return for five years of service in the navy. Additionally, students receive a stipend for attending. After deductions for certain services, first-years students (plebes) earn $75 for a the summer months, and $125 for each additional month. This pay goes up with each year.
The federal government pays for tuition, room and board, health insurance, plus books and other costs for students enrolled in the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, or other military Academies. In return, students commit to graduating from the program, and serving as a USSMM fo
The Webb Institute in Long Island, New York offers full-tuition scholarships to all U.S. citizens and permanent residents who attend. The Institute only offer ones degree though: a dual bachelor's in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.
Curtis Institute of Music has offered full-tuition scholarships to all admitted students, regardless of financial need, since 1928. Students are required to pay room and board, but additional scholarship money and financial aid is available for students with need.
West Point cadets not only don't have to pay tuition to attend, they also receive a salary because they are members of the U.S. Army. There is a one time fee of $8,400 for incoming freshman to cover uniforms, books, and other supplies.
The U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Spring, Colorado has zero tuition for all enrolled students. However graduates are expected to serve in the Air Force or Space Force for at least eight years after graduation, including five years of active service.
All students at College of the Ozarks in Missouri graduate debt free. Students participate in a work program, and receive a Cost of Education scholarship to cover remaining costs not already covered by federal or state grants.
At Barclay College in Kansas, all students who live in dorms receive a Full Tuition Scholarship. Students still have to pay for room, board, and other fees, but can use financial aid to help offset these costs.
Starting with the Class of 2026, all students admitted to Dartmouth whose families make less than $125,000 a year will receive a scholarship that completely covers the cost of tuition, and may cover other costs as well.
Through the North Carolina Free Tuition Plan, all students from the state who are admitted to Warren Wilson and participate in the WW work program receive free tuition.
Colgate is now tuition-free for students whose families make under $80,000 a year. Additionally, families with income over $80,000 but less than $125,000 will only be responsible for 5% of tuition, and family making between $125k and $150k a year will pay 10% of tuition. The "Colgate Commitment" promises to provide grant-in-aid to cover the rest of the cost, so that students can graduate debt-free.
Alice Lloyd College in Kentucky offers free-tuition for students from select counties in five states: Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
PSU offers four years of free-tuition for full-time students that graduated from high school in Oregon. There is no separate application to apply. Eligible students will be notified.
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