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Colleges / Sutter County Career Training Center

Sutter County Career Training Center

Yuba City, CA 2-Year Private

Cambridge Junior College Student Life

Cambridge Junior College Student Activities

Interested in Greek life? Cambridge Junior College has not reported any data on the presence of fraternities or sororities.

Does Cambridge Junior College Offer Student Housing?

This table offers information on housing at Cambridge Junior College.

Housing Options Offered? Details
On-Campus Housing No
Guaranteed Housing
Co-ed Housing Available No
Housing for Students with Disabilities No
Percentage of Students Living On-Campus
Spots Available in On-Campus Housing
Number of Students Living On-Campus
Percentage of Students Living Off-Campus

Cambridge Junior College does not offer housing.

All Cambridge Junior College students live off campus

Cambridge Junior College Athletics

Cambridge Junior College does not have any athletic programs or the school has not reported any information on their athletic teams.

Safety at Cambridge Junior College

College is like a home away from home. Whether you're walking to class or coming back from late-night studying (or partying!), it's important to feel safe on campus.

Plan a Visit to Cambridge Junior College

Visiting colleges is one of the best ways to get a sense of the campus and student body. If you'd like to visit Cambridge Junior College, take Highway 99 to Yuba City, CA. If you need to fly, book your flight to Sacramento International airport.

While you're planning, check out other schools in California you may want to visit too. Click the heart at the top of each school's page to save it to your college list.

Want to visit but can't make the trip? Explore Cambridge Junior College's campus without leaving home by taking a virtual campus tour

Keep Reading About Cambridge Junior College

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Tuition & Aid

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Cambridge Junior College Students






Full Time


Part Time


Undergraduate Students


Cambridge Junior College Campus Services

Student Services
  • 31515C82-8D2D-421D-B67C-E215D0E49BE9 Counseling
  • 31515C82-8D2D-421D-B67C-E215D0E49BE9 Health Clinic
  • 31515C82-8D2D-421D-B67C-E215D0E49BE9 Women's Center
  • 31515C82-8D2D-421D-B67C-E215D0E49BE9 Veterans Affairs
  • 31515C82-8D2D-421D-B67C-E215D0E49BE9 Career Planning
  • 31515C82-8D2D-421D-B67C-E215D0E49BE9 Alumni Networking
  • 31515C82-8D2D-421D-B67C-E215D0E49BE9 ESL
Campus Security
  • 31515C82-8D2D-421D-B67C-E215D0E49BE9 Late-Night Transport / Escort
  • 31515C82-8D2D-421D-B67C-E215D0E49BE9 24-Hour Emergency Phone / Alarm
  • 31515C82-8D2D-421D-B67C-E215D0E49BE9 24-Hour Security Patrol

Data Source: IPEDs and Peterson's Databases © 2022 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved

Quick Facts

Total Enrollment


Campus Setting


Acceptance Rate


Tuition and Fees

In State




Fall Freshmen
Application Deadline

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